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Mother’s Day Is A Time To Begin Healing and Recovering

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Searidge Foundation is a not-for-profit drug and alcohol rehab located in Nova Scotia. In addition to providing personalized treatment, we try to create articles and resources that are useful to those suffering directly and indirectly from addiction and substance abuse.

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Mother’s Day is the one day a year dedicated to celebrating and caring for the person who cares for us every other day of the year. Ideally, Mother’s Day is a day for the family to gather around and show their love and appreciation for their mother. However, this can be a daunting task—and a trying day—when a mother is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. Classic Mother’s Day activities may be pushed to the wayside, in favor of drug and alcohol abuse, creating friction and disappointment within the family. In these situations, it’s not an easy day for anyone.

It is often difficult for a mother to reach out and seek help for herself. Stepping in and offering the support necessary for a mother to begin her recovery process is the perfect way to show your love and support for your mother this weekend, and throughout the entire year. By recognizing the signs of addiction, and offering support, encouragement, and care for a mother in need you will open the doors to a path of recovery.

Often, this role reversal can be difficult, but for mothers who are suffering from an addiction this is the perfect time to offer the caregiver the care and support she needs. My mother always says “You can’t help anyone else if you don’t help yourself first”.

Of course, a mother’s unique role as a caregiver can be a barrier to receiving treatment for their addiction. Time spent away from their child is a concern for many mothers. However, the child often does not remember the short period of time the mother is away, working on her recovery. And they always remember the times spent together after their mother’s successful recovery, and the improved relationship as a result of her recovery. Searidge Foundation strives to make recovery accessible to everyone. For example, a mother may stay at Searidge Foundation for an abbreviated period of time, allowing her to return to her obligations, or may participate in out-patient therapy. There are many alternatives and the staff at Searidge Foundation will work closely with you to ensure your concerns and the barriers you face in your recovery process are addressed.

Mother’s Day is not only difficult when it is the mother suffering from addiction, it can also be a sorrowful time when their child has an addiction. To reach out and seek treatment for an addiction is the best gift a mother could receive from her child on Mother’s Day. After all, the well-being of her loved ones is what a mother wants most. The comfort of having many Mother’s Days together to look forward to is a luxury that can be given to mothers of sons or daughters with addictions, by taking the first step to recovery.

Whether it is a mother, a son, or daughter struggling with an addiction, Mother’s Day is the time to begin healing and recovering together, repairing the relationships degraded by drug or alcohol abuse. Searidge Foundation is a drug rehab for mother and child, allowing the recovery and healing of the entire family, and ensuring many Mother’s Days to come.

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Searidge Foundation

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