Following your initial interest, a more detailed alcohol addiction assessment in the form of a phone interview is conducted by one of our counsellors. During this assessment, we will discuss:
- What are your personal recovery goals and what is your time frame
- Tailoring a program to fit your individual needs and abilities to ensure the most efficient and effective recovery
- Our Aftercare program and how it would work with your schedule
After this conversation with our counsellor there is absolutely no rush to decide whether a stay at Searidge Alcohol Rehab will be beneficial for you and your family. It is important to reflect on these decisions and to consult with your current health practitioners, family and friends prior to making a final decision.
Once you have decided to come to Searidge, all it takes is a toll-free phone call (1-888-777-9972) to arrange a smooth and stress-free transition to your stay with us. Your alcohol addiction assessment will be thorough and, with your help, will set you on the right track to succeed at rehab and recovery.