One Of Atlantic Canada's Best Alcohol Rehabs For Detox & Lasting Recovery​

Trusted Alcohol Rehab News & Resources By Searidge Foundation

The Searidge Story

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Resources » An Alcohol Rehab For You In Nova Scotia » The Searidge Story

Searidge Foundation is a not-for-profit drug and alcohol rehab located in Nova Scotia. In addition to providing personalized treatment, we try to create articles and resources that are useful to those suffering directly and indirectly from addiction and substance abuse.

If you know anyone that could benefit from therapies and counseling that treat the underlying causes of dependence, please give us a call or share our number: 1-888-777-9972

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Welcome to Searidge Alcohol Rehab, a world-renowned addiction treatment facility that helps individuals reclaim their lives.

Our Back Story

Our founder, Catherine Cosgrove, has over 35 years of experience in the addiction field. It was her experience working with inmates where she saw firsthand the shortcomings of the traditional 28-day rehab programs, and 12 step programs. 
These approaches based a persons recovery on a 28-day abstinence model, this was followed up with a 12-step program. 

Right away she would see from a cognitive therapy stand point that in the 12-step model people were not only asked to reinforce their failures they were also told they could not address and overcome the root causes of addiction, instead they were asked to admit that they were doomed to be failures. 

There had to be a better way to treat people. 

She believed that there was more to the story and that until the underlying issues were uncovered there would never truly be recovery, just an endless cycle of recovery and relapse.

There was a need for a program that included psychotherapy, alternative therapies, and pharmacotherapy to help individuals overcome addiction and co-occurring challenges. And because addiction takes such a strong toll on a person’s body, nutritional therapy and recovery would also feature in her model.  ]

She knew that for lasting sobriety there had to be an exit plan so an inclusive non-12-step aftercare program to support ongoing sobriety was developed. 

Our Mission and Commitment

At Searidge, we treat each resident with respect and dignity, our intake process ensure that treatment plans are personalized to meet each client’s unique needs and strengths. We offer a supportive and challenging environment that feels like home, and our goal is to help each resident regain their sense of meaning and direction in life.

Reach out

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our program and how we can help you achieve long-term sobriety.

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